"Felicity's talent, attention to detail and ability to capture the beauty of Alexa and Long Island Sound so authentically are truly amazing."

"I was blown away when she told me the lengths she went to research this particular boat.….it is absolutely stunning."

"The painting is alive with motion, capturing the boat's stout-hearted path home through cold, choppy water."

"My wife and I both love the sea and Felicity's ability to capture the serenity and grandeur of the ocean is outstanding."
"Every pass by these beautiful works of art is the gift that keeps on giving."
"...captured the passion and energy [of] Tribe charging boldly to windward through the foaming waves of the Caribbean Sea."

"Every time I look at it I am transported back to Mykonos and the moment we were married."

"...the colors and shadows change with the light. It's amazing to see how the different layers of color come out at different times throughout the day."